Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!

We are Decking the halls around here.... We'll me and my two little helpers while my husband is away on business! He will come home to a winter wonderland ! ;) My almost 4 year old son is so excited to see our new house filled with Christmas decorations! He keeps calling it the Christmas house! Last weekend we all went as a family to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree! My mother in law was visiting for Thanksgiving so she came along ... It was a fun family adventure! Here are the few decorations we have up so far ! I will post more soon! 

I ran out of lights! Back to homedepot tomorrow for more!!!!! 

I would love to move the TV off the mantel and put a pretty mirror up but sometimes you have to let your husband win a battle or two! But I'm still working on winning this one! 

Yesterday was 74 degrees and SUNY on December 1st! How Amazing! This new englander can really get use to this weather! My daughter and I went shopping for Christmas decorations with no coats ! 

Can't wait to blog hop and see everyone else's holiday decor! Leave your site below I would love to see your too! 
XO, Kelly