Sunday, October 18, 2015

Who could not fall in love with Isabelle Abramson's work!

One day I stumbled across these beautiful hand crafted ceramic and silver pieces by Isabelle Abramson.  She has a studio outside of Boston and her work is so incredibly beautiful! I was sad when I saw the price tags (though I can understand why they are so expensive) . I thought even if I could afford them now (which I can not and realistically never will).....but even if I could....I would still have to wait until all of my children were grown before I would have one of her bowls or vases around the house!  You can drool at her work with me here. Until the day I win the lottery and my kids our out of the house.. I will have to settle for alternatives. Here are some alternatives from Ikea.  THe Ikea look alike vases range from  $1.99- $5.99, quite a difference from  Isabella's work which range from $425.00- $5,600 

Here are a few other look a likes from Ikea.